Monday, April 19, 2004

Wow, been a while and I momentarily forgot my password!! Shock horror.
Anyway, settling into new job now..making the most of the weather to dry clothes and browse internet for journo stuff, oh and seeing docs from time to time too! Amazing how easily one slips back into the pace of life!

Ok, big news is that I am dating, proper dating..this must be the first time in years when I think about it. I mean, sure, I was seeing the laid back Irish one for a while, but one weekend in 3 doesn't really count as dating does it?? Since then, Mr non-commitment and Mr no txt...useless bunch!

So now, a real live proper man, who can txt, who does call, who will respond to e-mails, who comes up with ideas of where to go (Warwick races, meals out) and has even cooked me dinner...........................I have a suspicion it is all going to go wrong somewhere!!

What is it about us girls that we actually like the bastards of the world? They are exciting, maybe we have to work a little harder for them, whatever, I don't get it!!

So, effort required to hold on to the guy who can cook, has his own teeth, doesn't have any hang ups or sexual deviancs that are obvious at this stage, doesn't require huge amounts of fan like adoration, and has good standards of personal hygiene!!!! Go forth and buy hats!!!!

Only kidding folks!!!!


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